Android 内核解剖 - AMS(Activity Manager Service)

news/2024/7/5 18:23:32






        final ApplicationInfo info; // all about the first app in the process
        final String processName;   // name of the process

        final ArrayMap<String, ProcessStats.ProcessState> pkgList 
            = new ArrayMap<String, ProcessStats.ProcessState>();   //保存进程中所有APK文件包名

      (2)进程的内存状态信息:用于Linux系统的out of memory(OOM)情况的处理,当发生内存紧张时,Linux系统会根据进程的内存状态信息杀掉低优先级的进程,包括的变量有

        int maxAdj;                 // Maximum OOM adjustment for this process
        int curRawAdj;              // Current OOM unlimited adjustment for this process
        int setRawAdj;              // Last set OOM unlimited adjustment for this process
        int curAdj;                 // Current OOM adjustment for this process
        int setAdj;                 // Last set OOM adjustment for this process


       final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> activities = new ArrayList<ActivityRecord>();
       final ArraySet<ServiceRecord> services = new ArraySet<ServiceRecord>();
       final ArraySet<ServiceRecord> executingServices = new ArraySet<ServiceRecord>();
       final ArraySet<ConnectionRecord> connections = new ArraySet<ConnectionRecord>();
       final ArraySet<ReceiverList> receivers = new ArraySet<ReceiverList>();
       final ArrayMap<String, ContentProviderRecord> pubProviders = new ArrayMap<String,             ContentProviderRecord>();
    final ArrayList<ContentProviderConnection> conProviders = new ArrayList<ContentProviderConnection>();

     四、ActivityRecord数据类(Android 2.3以前版本叫HistoryRecord类)




    final String packageName; // the package implementing intent's component
    final String processName; // process where this component wants to run
    final String baseDir;   // where activity source (resources etc) located
    final String resDir;   // where public activity source (public resources etc) located
    final String dataDir;   // where activity data should go
    int theme;              // resource identifier of activity's theme.
    int realTheme;          // actual theme resource we will use, never 0.


    boolean haveState;      // have we gotten the last activity state?
    boolean stopped;        // is activity pause finished?
    boolean delayedResume;  // not yet resumed because of stopped app switches?
    boolean finishing;      // activity in pending finish list?
    boolean configDestroy;  // need to destroy due to config change?


    final int taskId;       // 每个任务的标识.
    Intent intent;          // 创建该任务时对应的intent
    int numActivities;   //该任务中的Activity数目
    final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> mActivities = new ArrayList<ActivityRecord>();  //按照出现的先后顺序列出该任务中的所有Activity


      static final int MAX_RECENT_TASKS = ActivityManager.isLowRamDeviceStatic() ? 10 : 20;
    static final int PROC_START_TIMEOUT = 10*1000;
    static final int PROC_START_TIMEOUT = 10*1000;
      final ArrayList<PendingActivityLaunch> mPendingActivityLaunches
            = new ArrayList<PendingActivityLaunch>();
       private final ArrayList<TaskRecord> mRecentTasks = new ArrayList<TaskRecord>();




   原网址:<a target=_blank href=""></a>(此网址附有AMS源码)



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